Coren Apicella
Coren Apicella holds a Ph.D. in Biological Anthropology from Harvard University and an M.S. in Evolutionary Psychology from the University of Liverpool. She studies hunter-gatherers (e.g. the Hadza) and Westerners to explore the proximate and ultimate origins of human behavior.
Coren's work specializes in mate selection and attraction, behavioral endocrinology, behavior genetics, sex differences, behavioral economics, evolutionary psychology, and social networks and the evolution of cooperation. Her research has been featured in media outlets worldwide, including the BBC, ABC's Nightline, and the New York Times.
Currently, Coren is working as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department Health Care Policy under the direction of Nicholas Christakis.
Primary Interests:
- Aggression, Conflict, Peace
- Attitudes and Beliefs
- Close Relationships
- Emotion, Mood, Affect
- Ethics and Morality
- Evolution and Genetics
- Helping, Prosocial Behavior
- Judgment and Decision Making
- Neuroscience, Psychophysiology
- Sexuality, Sexual Orientation
- Sociology, Social Networks
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DIY - Follow the Leader Game | Brain Games
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2:35 DIY - Follow the Leader Game | Brain Games
Length: 2:35
1:42 DIY - The Clothing Game | Brain Games
Length: 1:42
2:43 DIY - The Mind Your Body Game | Brain Games
Length: 2:43
2:13 DIY - The Addiction Game | Brain Games
Length: 2:13
1:15:23 Beyond WEIRD, a Decade Later: Population Diversity in the Evolutionary Study of Human Behavior
Length: 1:15:23
47:16 Hunter-Gatherers and the Origins of the Morally Exceptional
Length: 47:16
1:48 60 Second Lecture: What Can Hunter Gathers Teach Us About Psychology
Length: 1:48
Journal Articles:
- Apicella, C. L., Dreber, A., Gray, P., Hoffman, M., Little, A. C., & Campbell, B. C. (2011). Androgens and competitiveness in men. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 4, 54-62.
- Apicella, C. L., Norenzayan, A., & Henrich, J. (2020). Beyond WEIRD: A review of the last decade and a look ahead to the global laboratory of the future. Evolution and Human Behavior, 41, 319-329.
- Beauchamp, J., Cesarini, D. A., Johanesson, M., Lindvqist, E., & Apicella, C. L. (2010). On the sources of the height-intelligence correlation: New insights from a bivariate ACE model with assortative mating. Behavior Genetics, 41, 242-252.
- Campbell, B. C., MacKillop, J., Dreber, A., Apicella, C. L., Eisenberg, D. T. A., Gray, P., & Little, A. C. (2010). Testosterone exposure, dopaminergic reward, and sensation-seeking in young men. Physiology and Behavior, 99, 451-456.
- Dreber, A., Apicella, C. L., Eisenberg, D. T. A., Garcia, J. R., Zamore, R. S., & Campbell, B. (2009). The 7R polymorphism in the dopamine D4 receptor gene (DRD4) is associated with financial risk-taking in men. Evolution and Human Behavior, 30, 85-92.
- Williams, M., & Apicella, C.L. (2023). Do humans agree on which body odors are attractive, similar to the agreement observed when rating faces and voice? Evolution and Human Behavior, 44, 120-130.
Courses Taught:
- Behavioral Biology of Women (seminar)
- Introduction to Psychology
- Social Psychology
Coren Apicella
Department of Psychology
University of Pennsylvania
3720 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
United States of America
- Phone: (215) 898-9718